Totally Awesome

I don’t know how long I’ve been telling myself I need to post about xkcd. I don’t really remember how I first stumbled onto this web comic, but I’m pretty sure the first one I can remember was Guitar Hero. After seeing a few more on digg or elsewhere, I ended up subscribing to the RSS feed so I can continually enjoy the “webcomic of romance, sarcasm, math, and language.” His style fits my sense of humor perfectly. I even went through the archive and read from the beginning. My cube at work has about 5 comics posted already.

Anyway, the comic that finally got me to post blends together perfect references from one of my favorite games and one of my favorite childhood comic strips. How can you go wrong with Mario Kart and Calvin and Hobbes? Don’t forget to mouse over the images to read the alt text; if you’re initially confused, a lot of times this will help clear things up.

Galaxies of Fun

I’ve had Super Mario Galaxy for a little less than a week, and so far it’s been pretty much everything I hoped it would be. There are still times that I can’t get used to walking around on the bottom of planets, but that’s a small detail. In almost every respect it has been totally awesome. I’ve picked up about 35 stars so far, so I’m a little bit more than a quarter of the way through everything. Despite her reluctance, I even got Amber to help me a little bit with the co-star mode.

The game is one of the best looking I’ve seen on Wii. The art style is very well done and the game has an unrivaled level of polish. This just goes to show that those other developers releasing games that look like ass aren’t trying very hard. Perhaps they’re working too hard trying to figure out more ways to waggle the controller? It’s kind of sad.

We’re Getting a New Car! [Updated]

One way or another, we’ll have our very own Saturn Aura XR by the end of the month. Since we’re getting rid of Amber’s truck, she’ll be the lucky one driving it every day, but I think it’s safe to say that my car will be retired as primary trip vehicle. We’re trying to see if we can sell the truck privately and get a little more than the trade-in value the dealer offered. We’ll give it a few weeks and see if there is any interest. If we can’t sell it, we’ll just go for the trade-in at the end of the month. So if you know anyone who might want a Blue ’98 Dodge Dakota, let me know or just have them search Craigslist Madison.

This pic looks exactly like ours from the outside. This is the real one.
Our Aura

A few more pictures of the car.

And if you haven’t seen it already, go check out the Metroid Retrospective videos over at and get pumped up for Metroid Prime 3: Corruption on 8/28.

Guitar Zero

I found a guy at work willing to let me borrow his PS2, Guitar Hero, and Guitar Hero II (I know, I was surprised, too) and that pretty much sums up my performance so far. I made it through about the first dozen tracks on Medium without too much trouble. Then I hit Stellar by Incubus. I really love the song, but man is it ever kicking my ass. I dropped down to Easy and had no trouble, but I’ve only been able to finish it once on Medium and I was dangerously close to losing it. Typing feels so awkward right now…

Anyway, I’ve got the games for probably about a week and a half. I figured it would be a good way to tide myself over until Guitar Hero III comes out for Wii later this year. These are the first games I’ve really played since I spent basically half of the month of May in Seattle. I’ve been neglecting the Wii which is pretty sad considering I still haven’t finished Red Steel or Super Paper Mario. I’m sure I’ll pick one of them up again after I have to give back the guitar.